Genius potato discoverer: Here Fido! Come here boy!
Fido: Woof!
Genius potato discoverer: Hey you mutt! Stop digging in Francisco's yard! He hates that!
Fido: Woof!
Genius potato discoverer: Why, what is this starchy, tuberous crop you've uncovered?
Fido: *pants*
Genius potato discoverer: *takes a bite of potato* This is delicious! It would be terrific with some ceviche. We should plant and harvest more! Quick, fetch the guano!
Anyhow, this genius discoverer has brought me much joy. I will rarely turn down a potato dish and knowing Ina's penchant for putting rich dairy products in her dishes, I am looking forward to making lovely, delicious potato dishes in the future. We start here with a pretty basic recipe for Garlic Roasted Potatoes.
Now, I've made this plenty of time before because it's easy to make and they incorporate my favorite potato combo: crisp on the outside/tender on the inside. I've made these so often that I think Joel is sick of them. He always tells me I make too many, but what does he know ... leftovers are a wonderful thing.
So here are the ingredients. Simple stuff: potatoes, garlic, olive oil, salt, pepper and parsley
I like red potatoes. The day I went to the supermarket, the fingerling potatoes didn't look so hot, so I bought the regular-sized reds. I'm impatient so, I chopped them a little smaller so they would cook faster.
Next up is the garlic. I love doing that chef-y thing where you whack the garlic with the side of your knife to remove the skins. I have also done this and had the garlic squirt out from under the knife, hit the wall and ricochet to the floor. So much for smooth chef moves, eh? Anyway, prepare to meet your doom garlic.
I think I've killed it.
Toss the garlic in with the potatoes and add in the oil, S&P. Here are the potatoes, gleaming and oiled ... just like Richard Simmons! (Okay, that's so gross. Even for me. Sorry.)
Dang. Wrong setting on my camera. The potatoes are NOT green. I'll get it eventually.
45-60 minutes and a few turns later: Crisp potatoes!
Sprinkle on the parsley and that's it!
The review:
Excellent. Of course, I'd probably eat it even if it sucked. It's really hard to mess up potatoes. What I love most about this recipe is that you can make it using a bunch of different combinations. Take out the garlic, add some paprika with a dollop of sour cream and its serious good eats.