But the reason I decided to post this was because this is my first attempt using fondant!
Now, I'm actually not a big fan of fondant. Sure, it makes cakes look gorgeous, but let's face it: It tastes like stale marshmallow creme mixed with chewing gum. It's just weird stuff and I usually peel it off and don't eat it. BUT, that doesn't mean that I am opposed to trying it out and playing with it for a bit.
I decided to make Joel some Super Mario themed cupcakes. Just because I saw these and thought they were ridonkulously cute. I was going to try the Pacman cupcakes, but read online that black fondant was difficult to make and didn't really taste good, so that plan was scrapped.
Here are my cupcakes!
Aren't they cute? I'm actually really proud of them. I don't think it was bad for my first time at all. Of course, it is nothing compared to Hello Naomi's cupcakes, but she is a professional. :) I'm particularly proud of my Mario and Princess Peach. I was never very good at drawing or art, so my free hand copy was pretty good. Best of all, they tasted really good! I hollowed out the cupcakes and filled the center with the caramel meringue frosting that is gluing the fondant to the cupcake. All in all, it was fun, but soooo time consuming. Not to mention labor intensive. I hand mixed about 9 different fondant colors!! My hands were sooo sore the next day!
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